Great Start Readiness Preschool

Great Start Readiness Pre School Program

(4 yrs old by Sept 1)


Our Readiness program is funded by a state grant.  There is no charge to families.  Our program runs from mid-September to mid-May, following the Eaton Rapids school calendar.  Preschool class is Monday through Thursday. There are currently 2 all day classrooms at Union Street Center.


Communication and support between family and school is vital to the success of each preschool child.  There are two home visits a year, one at the beginning and one at the end of the year.  We offer conference sessions twice during the year for each family to discuss the growth of their child.  In addition to preschool classes and home visits, families will have the opportunity to take part in field trips, family fun nights, family enrichment sessions and volunteer help in the preschool room when possible.



Families play a vital role in the teaching and success of their preschoolers.  We feel that the relationship between family and school must be built and maintained.


Children have a high quality preschool experience when curriculum is developed based upon what children are curious about and interested in.  It is essential that the preschool room be organized to enhance children’s play/work.


Preschool children need to be able to make choices in their play.  As children create, explore and discover with a wide variety of materials, they learn.


Preschool children need to feel comfortable, safe, and accepted in order to learn.  Each child deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.  One of our important roles as teachers is to encourage children to value and enjoy each other’s uniqueness.


Great Start Readiness Preschool is a State-funded kindergarten preparedness program for students who will be four by September 1, 2024. Please access the link below for the online application.


Enroll in Great Start Readiness Preschool


GSRP Enrollment announcement