Adam Gumbrecht » Mr. Gumbrecht Class Information

Mr. Gumbrecht Class Information

Mr. Gumbrecht is responsible for all aspects of the instrumental music program at Eaton Rapids High School as well as the music appreciation course.  Information about the band can be located at the following sites:
  • ERHS Band Facebook page: our first presence on social media and also our most "official" as class information will be shared to this page regularly.
  • ERHS Band Twitter: no concert info or the like here--this is bit more fun!
  • You can also find us on Snapchat @ERHoundBand
  • Eaton Rapids Band Boosters: interested in volunteering to help our program?  This is the page for all the important info!
  • ERHS Band Performance Calendar
  • We also will use Remind to send out important reminders or last minute info from time to time--recommended for students and parents!  Please note: if you are going to use the app, you must enable push notifications.  Otherwise, you won't know anything has been sent!
  • Google Classroom will be used for sending and turning in most assignments.  Students will need to join the class using their ERPS student account.  Parents can also be added to Classroom--though not exactly with the same access--however, you must be added by a teacher personally. Please contact Mr. Gumbrecht if you would like to be added.
    • 18/19 Band GC code: q7wloth
    • 18/10 Music App GC code: zminq0c

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